Frequently asked questions.
Im no good at making anything
Sadly a lot of people think that of themselves and that makes it more important to have a go. I will guarantee you 100% you will be very happy with the quality piece you make. It will not look “home made,” it will be of good wearable standard-come and be surprised by your skills
Are your workshops for any abiliity
Yes, from complete beginners who have never picked up a tool to people who have done other workshops or had a go themselves. My workshops are small so I can individually tailor my teaching to that persons skills or needs.
can I have a break whenever I need one?
Yes you can. Its your space and day, there is time to go at your own pace. Have a rest, stretch your legs with a walk around the lake, go to the loo. Please yourself-be my guest.
Do you cater for disabilities?
Not as much as I would like to currently but I do try. Each persons needs are different so it is best to email me specifically and ask because I can cater for a lot of peoples disabilities. The main disadvantage I have is no wheel chair access for a toilet.
Do I need to bring anything with me for a workshop?
No you don’t, just some gold if you want to use your own and any food if you don’t want the Grazing Boxes which I can provide at a charge.
How much will a commission cost?
Each commission is different and although it will cost more than something maufactured for the masses in a factory its quite probable that its less than you think. Especially if you have some old gold to sell against it.
Ive got some old gold how do I go about speaking to you about it.
Which ever way suits you best. There is a form on the commissions page that you are welcome to fill in, directly email me, call or use one of my social media pages. Which ever feels most comfortable for you.We can take it from there.
If I go ahead with a commission what is the process?
Once I have your 50% deposit you will be booked into my schedule as previously agreed. If Im using your gold I will already have it or ask for it two weeks before starting. I will liase with you throughout the whole process. Changes can be made if necessary and possible, especially in relation to sizing. And then voila! Your heirloom piece is ready. You are welcome to pop in and pick up your piece where you can expect to be pampered or I can personally deliver your order or have it delivered special delivery.
How do I know its my gold
I am a very honest and conscientious jeweller. I guard your precious items as they are my own. In fact I cant wait to give you them back, its quite a responsibility. I take photos before and weigh your gold. Often it is sentimental gold and that means a great deal to me too. I have high regard for its importance
Will there be much of my gold wasted in the melting process
The only gold wasted is from sawing, filing and polishing, not much. Any larger pieces will be handed back to you for recycling into another piece, kept for another day or I can sell it as scrap for you to offset the cost of making. You wont loose out with any of those options.
Does melting old gold ever go wrong?
Yes! Some golds can be a bad mix which you cant detect until its been melted. It can be corrected by adding pure gold, get it refined or try melting again (and again.) Or at worst sell it to buy some new gold. Sorry but it needs saying!

Will my finished commission be hallmarked
Yes. Its against the law to sell any jewellery without a hallmark.
Can you give me directions?
Yes, email me if Ive not emailed you already after a payment. Also google maps shows you a picture of our house which is quite handy.